Friday, January 21, 2011

A long Absence

Hey guys i know it's been 7 days since I didn't published a single post. The reason for this long absence is partly I was busy with the Street Play and and mostly I was not well and still recuperating from cold and slight fever.
Lets begin with the Street Play... it was an amazing new experience for me as it was my first time where I performed live and that too on a public area with no stage and in front of a lot of unknown spectators! We were clubbed together in two groups and sent to various locations where we asked to perform and spread the message and the awareness of the new medicine for children. We were asked to perform at Kharghar station which was very close to our college. We formed a circle and our group started first, we started creating noise to attract the attention of the passersby with instruments we had and as people gathered we began to perform. We got a quite favorable response from the audience, not too great but we were content and happy. It was a great feeling that we all helped and participated for a good cause and we were all proud of it. So cheers and a round of applause for all those who participated in the Play.

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