Tuesday, January 25, 2011

First Impression is not the Last impression

Your impression means your overall personality which includes your dressing sense, communication, your behavior, your attitude. Many of you must have heard this saying First Impression is the Last impression, or "Lasting Impression". But according to me it's not always applicable to all situations. It really depends on various situations, circumstances and chance.

Situations as in people change, times change and trends change, according to that your individual behavior changes. For instance you met a person, his/her first impression was quite good, really you could have a nice chat with that person. But as you know the person spend time with them you really come to know the little annoying things, habits and flaws of the person that you can absolutely not live it.

Circumstances as in for example you go for an interview, well interviews are exception for this Your First Impression is your Last Impression, right from the moment you enter into the room, within a 10th of second you are judged and a certain impression is created in the minds of the interviewee by the way you walk, your body language, your attire.

By chance I meant that, If a person is unknown to you is meeting you (whether planned or unplanned) for only once in a lifetime. You certainly have to make a impression on that person. Fail to do so your First impression will be the Lasting impression forever.

You can always change your impression by bringing a positive change in your self, if you have committed a mistake, correct it. As people get to know you their impression about yourself keeps on changing as they closely observed how we behave in certain situations. So don't worry if your First Impression is not that good among your colleagues, friends, mentors, you can always change it.

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