Friday, January 28, 2011

Extempo Topics

We have a lecture called Language Skills to improve our command over English language and improve our vocabulary. Some topics were given, and discuss and it is absolutely amazing how each person perception is distinct and unique from each other. Some topics were as follows:

  • On the hot seat with BIG B
  • When America sneezes India catches a cold
  • Water burns more than fire
  • Samosa V/S Pizza
  • Bloated Babudom
  • Euthanasia should be legalized
  • Cloning - Are we encroaching on God's territory?
  • Foreign television channels corrupt the Indian youths
  • Reality shows - As unreal as white crows
  • Women make better managers than others.
The most most interesting topic riveting and intriguing topic is "When America sneezes India catches a cold" which is obviously related to the Sub Prime Crisis. It started with the Lehman Brothers, with 22 banks in America going bankrupt. This slowed economic growth in the U.S and ultimately affecting the imports of U.S. and as all know India's main export partners are UK and U.S which in turn affected the Indian imports. Long story short, the Indian economy is not immune from development/recession in the global economies.

Second one which I would really like to discuss is about Euthanasia, which means mercy killing. Should it be legalized? According to me Yes, it should be. It is better to die once, than dying everyday. Imagine a person lying on bed for 36 years paralyzed and considered "brain-dead" in a hospital alone, yes I'm talking about the woman, Aruna Shanbhag. Most people say it should be up to the suffered person and he/she should decide whether to end their life, but what if the person is in coma or paralyzed and not able to communicate? If it to be legalized the laws have to be very stringent or people can take undue advantage to this.

Next topic will be discussed in next post, anyone wants to share their opinion can surely do so.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I went for the movie tangled today. Yet another twisted classic bedtime stories and Disney has beautifully pulled it off again, first with movie Princess and the Frog, and now with Tangled!

The whole movie is paisa vasool, the animation, the story, the score, the romance, all the characters (especially Princess Rapunzel's pet chameleon, Pascal and the horse). Those who love to watch animation movies will surely like this movie. Even IMDB has rated it 8.1/10! Here the trailer enjoy!

Happy Republic Day

The patriot's blood is the seed of Freedom's tree -Thomas Campbell
Today is Republic Day - 26th of January. This is a remarkable day in Indian history when Constitution of India came into force replacing the Government of India Act 1935. This was possible only to our brave soldiers, to our Amar Jawans.

It's a holiday, I have been getting Republic Day messages, society's are celebrating( I can still hear songs played in the background) flag hoisting, various programes, singing songs of patriotism (Famous Lata Mangeshkar song - Ae Mere Watan Ke Logon) I have been listening to this since morning even on all railway stations! Malls are celebrating Republic Day by decorating Saffron, Green and White balloons all over the place, flat 40% is off today in Globus and even in Max! I went for a movie today, and as you know before the beginning of the movie our National Anthem is played. This time it was different, they have uploaded a video of children who were vocally challenged and they sang the National Anthem in their sign language, it was amazing, the video really touched my heart.

Freedom in Mind
Faith in Words
Pride in our Heart
Memories in our Souls
Lets Salute the Nation on REPUBLIC DAY


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

First Impression is not the Last impression

Your impression means your overall personality which includes your dressing sense, communication, your behavior, your attitude. Many of you must have heard this saying First Impression is the Last impression, or "Lasting Impression". But according to me it's not always applicable to all situations. It really depends on various situations, circumstances and chance.

Situations as in people change, times change and trends change, according to that your individual behavior changes. For instance you met a person, his/her first impression was quite good, really you could have a nice chat with that person. But as you know the person spend time with them you really come to know the little annoying things, habits and flaws of the person that you can absolutely not live it.

Circumstances as in for example you go for an interview, well interviews are exception for this Your First Impression is your Last Impression, right from the moment you enter into the room, within a 10th of second you are judged and a certain impression is created in the minds of the interviewee by the way you walk, your body language, your attire.

By chance I meant that, If a person is unknown to you is meeting you (whether planned or unplanned) for only once in a lifetime. You certainly have to make a impression on that person. Fail to do so your First impression will be the Lasting impression forever.

You can always change your impression by bringing a positive change in your self, if you have committed a mistake, correct it. As people get to know you their impression about yourself keeps on changing as they closely observed how we behave in certain situations. So don't worry if your First Impression is not that good among your colleagues, friends, mentors, you can always change it.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Music is All Around You # 2

Hey as I promised one day of a week dedicated to Music. Enjoy this song!

ET test!

Hey guys I'm back.. feeling much better today, went to college and all. There's an ET test coming up this week. ET means Economic Times Test twice per week! I think it's a good idea for our college to start with something different. 40 questions per week so I'll have to read ET more in details. It's quite a lengthy paper to read and I'll not lie the language of the paper is quite tough, sometimes I don't understand what I"m reading :p, but I try my best to understand it plus I even subscribe Business Today magazine which I read frequently.

Let's see how I manage to keep up my score, wish me luck :D

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Being sick suxs!

It's been more than 4 days I'm not keeping well. I keep on coughing and my nose is choked, have to breathe by my mouth.. have taken all the medication prescribed but still it will take some time to fully recover.

I hope I get well soon so that I can post a lot of stuff. Till then enjoy!

Friday, January 21, 2011

A long Absence

Hey guys i know it's been 7 days since I didn't published a single post. The reason for this long absence is partly I was busy with the Street Play and and mostly I was not well and still recuperating from cold and slight fever.
Lets begin with the Street Play... it was an amazing new experience for me as it was my first time where I performed live and that too on a public area with no stage and in front of a lot of unknown spectators! We were clubbed together in two groups and sent to various locations where we asked to perform and spread the message and the awareness of the new medicine for children. We were asked to perform at Kharghar station which was very close to our college. We formed a circle and our group started first, we started creating noise to attract the attention of the passersby with instruments we had and as people gathered we began to perform. We got a quite favorable response from the audience, not too great but we were content and happy. It was a great feeling that we all helped and participated for a good cause and we were all proud of it. So cheers and a round of applause for all those who participated in the Play.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Google wishes you Happy Makar Sankranti

The internet giant search engine has wished you a Happy Makar Sankrant in advance(which is tomorrow) by painting kites on their home page in India.

It's the beginning of the harvest season from tomorrow also it means it's the retreat of the winter season and commencement of spring season. Makar Sankrant is celebrated by different names all over India like in Northern India celebrates Lohri, the southern India celebrates Pongal, In Gujrat it is celebrated by Kite flying is tradition, In Maharashtra sweets are prepared and exchanged especially the Tilgul Laddoos! 'til-gul ghya, god god bola'.

Enjoy tomorrow the auspicious day of Makar Sankrant guys :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

STP - Marketing Presentation tomorrow + Traditional Day

I know its a weird combination for the title of the post... but lets get past it. Tomorrow will be my first presentation of Second semester and that too of marketing! But no worries, because I'm already prepared. STP is nothing but Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning. We have chosen our our very favorite McDonald as our company for STP research.
We are a group of three people and my part is to explain the positioning topic. I have visited the McD's outlet a hundredth times and never ever have I thought about McD's positioning strategy or segmentation.. it is quite interesting actually, McD have come a long way from the year 1996 when it first opened it's outlet in Mumbai. It's no longer a foreign or alien company to India. It has so well adapted to Indian customs and values and lets not forget it is only outlet which is affordable (Bless their Happy Price Menu) rather than KFC, Subway. But it did ran into controversies about the Beef Fries, but still it again gained confidence of their loyal customers and is doing well today.

I hope my presentation will be liked by everyone.. I have put my satisfactory efforts. The only distraction is tomorrow's is Traditional Day will have to wear a shiny salwaar kameez and give the presentation. Lets see what happens tomorrow.. future is all about uncertainty. Tiill then Adios Amigos :D See ya tomorrow.

Presentation got postponed for next lecture.. but enjoyed the Traditional Day. A round of applause for those who managed to get into sarees and dhoti kurtas on one day prior notice of the TD day.

A Street Play

Today we were inform in our college that we can participate in a Street Play! Well I think all of us have an idea of what a Street Play is.. for those who don't know.. lets sum it up short. A Street Play is a Road Show which is performed on a street, in which a group of people dressed in white kurtas and jeans and a colored duppata, act and propagate social and political messages or create an awareness amongst the masses regarding critical issues like child labor, dowry system, environmental issues like saving water, electricity etc.

We have chosen the topic of Aids Awareness, as it is the most critical issue that is mostly neglected or people in India are hesitant to talk about. There's a lot to do, we have to write the script of the play and decide who will play what characters. I will keep you posted about it as we proceed with the play.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Music Is All Around you # 1

Those know me, know that I absolutely love listening to music.. whatever kind it maybe.. Rock, Pop, Country, Western, Classical, Folk and Traditional, Hip Hop,Rap, Metal, Acoustic.. etc and because of this, I decided to keep one week of the day dedicated to music. Each Wednesday of every week I'll post a video of new/old song. Feel free to suggest me any songs that you wish to share with me and others. :)

The very First Song I would love to post is one of my recent favorite suggested to me by a very special friend of mine is Edward Maya feat Vika Jigulina - This is My Life. Enjoy this song!

Difference between Expense and Expenditure

This was the question asked by our Professor today in our class and none of us were able to give the answer precisely. 5 years of commerce study and still there was a lot of confusion. Finally with a hint from our Sir we were able to relate expenditure to assets, but then it was given as an assignment to find out the answer for tomorrow.

So the best way to find an answer is to Google it! and so I did and there were many different sets of answers. But in all together what I understood was the Expenditure is more wider term than a expense. Actually Expense and Assets comes under the Expenditure. The main difference comes from the benefit derived from Expense and Expenditure. The benefit derived from incurring a expenditure MAY not be limited to the period (can be for longer period of time) where as the benefits derived from a expense are consumed in the same period (in same year)

For eg: If an asset is acquired during the year,it is expenditure but if it is consumed during the same year it is expense.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Start of the 2nd Semester

Well 2nd semester has started, 6th Jan onwards.. well those of you wondering I'm currently doing my MMS course of 2 years. I should have started my blogging during the commencement of my First Semester, but it kept on procrastinating.. and in blurr of days between the presentations, projects, assignments and exams(which were a disaster btw) First Sem came to an end and so did the YEAR 2010!

So as a part of New Year Resolution I decided to finally start blogging.. with some other resolutions and here we are :)

Very First Post

Hi guys, This is Neha here.. just trying to start a blog with whatever topics, thoughts, feelings, talks... I want to write and share with you all :)